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Meet the Roof Tile Cutter that is Eliminating Silica Dust Production

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This unique device slices through concrete or clay roof tiles for hips, ridges, valleys, headwalls, chimneys, and more. Read on to learn more about this!!

When tile or concrete is being cut it releases crystalline silica (silica dust). The compound is not hazardous until it is exposed in the air, where inhaling this airborne crystalline silica can put workers at risk of developing silicosis, an incurable lung disease caused by an accumulation of silica dust in the lungs.

Conventionally, a saw or grinder would be used to cut roof tiles and in order to keep workers safe these methods would require water, a full-face respirator or a vacuuming system to prevent the inhalation of silica dust. This is what makes the Hytile Cutter an incredible innovation– it allows workers to cut concrete and tile without producing this dangerous mineral.

The Hytile Cutter provides is that it cuts tile using a striking method with virtually no production of silica dust. Without the production of this potentially deadly mineral, the need for water, respirator or vacuum applications is eliminated, resulting in healthy and happy workers.

In addition to eliminating life-threatening silica exposure, the Hytile Cutter does not require electricity to operate (no extension cord to trip over). It is designed to work solely through manual power (no hearing protection needed so you can hear what’s going on around you), which means there is no reliance on batteries, electrical outlets or generators.

Roof Tile Cutter

Plus, the Hytile Cutter requires much less maintenance than a circular saw. Concrete and clay tiles can quickly dull expensive diamond blades, requiring frequent replacement and increasing the cost of material. Not only does the use of a saw produce silica dust, but it increases the risk of dangerous injuries because of the running blade. The Hytile Cutter uses no running blades, which makes for a much safer workplace.

Conventional methods of cutting roof tile can be dangerous and costly. Along with reducing trip, slip and fall risks, the Hytile Cutter is quieter than a running saw, or a blower to clear the decking of silica dust. This makes it more practical to communicate on the roof with fellow workers, eliminating the need for hearing protection.

Something less thought about, but just as important, the Hytile Cutter is a more environmentally friendly device for completing roof work. With there being no carbon emissions during use, or tools or parts needing frequent replacement like a saw blade, the Hytile Cutter defines itself as a minimalist tool that aims to minimize risks and emissions and maximize profits and production. With the roofing industry projected to grow in the state of Florida, All Points Tile and Slate believes it is important they do their part in embracing a more sustainable means of building towards the future!


The information on our blog is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of a professional roofer. For all roofing questions and needs, please contact our experts at 407-366-2521.