M.C.A Classic S Mission Eave Closure/Birdstop

Shopping For A New Roof? Talk to our experts about a complete roof replacement or extensive repairs.

$16.00 per item


The M.C.A Classic S Mission Eave Closure/Birdstop is designed to complement the Classic “S” Mission Clay Roof Tile, providing a seamless and functional finish for your roofing project.

Key Features:

  • Two-Piece Look: Offers the appearance of a traditional two-piece tile while maintaining the simplicity and efficiency of a standard “S” tile.
  • Installation and Weight Savings: Provides the aesthetic of a two-piece tile with the ease and lighter weight of a single tile.
  • Color Options: Available in Natural Red and a variety of other colors, blends, and textures, including sand cast.
  • Durability: Ensures a long-lasting and visually appealing finish for your roof.
  • Warranty: Comes with a 50-Year Limited Warranty.

Additional Information: MCA is proud to announce the most recent addition to our standard tile profile lines—our Classic “S” Mission Clay Roof Tile. Classic “S” Mission offers a true two-piece tile look while offering the installation and weight savings of a standard “S” tile. Classic “S” installed with a two-piece eave line will astound you with the almost unbelievable look of two-piece tile. Fooling all but the most experienced, “only your roofer will know for sure…” Classic “S” Mission tile is available in Natural Red or in an array of colors, blends, and textures, including sand cast, to create a signature roof for your custom home or project. A 50-Year Limited Warranty is available on all MCA Tiles.