Roof Tile Glazing

Found your tile in our inventory but not in the right color?

We offer a professional Custom Tile Glazing service to best match the color on your roof. This is especially helpful for repairs, if your roof tile has been discontinued or the color has become faded or distressed over time from exposure to the elements.

With our process, the glazing on your tile comes with a 10-year guarantee. The entire process is typically completed in 8 to 10 weeks.

We use only Alberson’s Tile Roof Glaze Products

Our 5 Step Process

  1. Color Matching, there are two ways to choose your color:
    • The first option is the original factory color that was produced. This option shortens the lead time on the order.
    • If you would rather have a tile color matched from its current condition, then we will need a sample to have a custom color created. This typically lengthens the completion time by a few days.
  1. RTC-5000 (Cleaning)
    • This product is specially designed to prepare the roof tile for Glazing.
  1. Hydro-Bond (Primer)
    • This product primes the tile for the coloring process. Hydro-Bond is a stabilizer that ensures a chemical bond between the tile and the glaze.
  1. Hydro-Sheen (Color Coat)
    • The next step is the application of the color, 2 base coats of glaze are applied in two different directions to ensure proper coverage. 
    • If the tiles being matched have flashings (1 to 2 accent colors) involved, the flashing colors are applied, after the second base coat has dried.
  1. Hydro-Shield (Protective Clear Coat)
    • The final step of the process is the application of a clear coat of “shield” to ensure your tile is protected from the UV and weather. This is what keeps the color vibrant.


Our company works closely together with the manufacturer’s Professional Support Team to ensure that the quality of your tile glaze is as close to your sample tile as possible.


*There is a minimum of 20 tiles necessary for us to complete a paint job.

  • 20-49 Pieces 
    • 1 Color, $10 per piece
    • 2 Colors, $11 per piece
    • 3 Colors, $12 per piece
  • 50 Pieces or more
    • 1 Color, $8 per piece
    • 2 Colors, $9 per piece
    • 3 Colors, $10 per piece

*All sales on Custom Glazing services are final. The roof tile may be returned at the price of the tile itself, with a 25% restocking fee applied. 

Any questions about Custom Glazing, please contact our office for more information or a quote on Roof Tile Glazing.

Office Phone: 407.366.2521

Email: [email protected]

Here are some examples of our Custom Tile Glazing. Click to enlarge images.