DuPont Tile Foam

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$54.50 per item

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119 in stock


Weight: 1.75 kg

Dimensions: N/A


DuPont™ Tile Bond™ Roof Tile Adhesive is a portable, one-component polyurethane foam adhesive designed for attaching concrete and clay roof tiles. It comes in a self-contained disposable can or canister, providing a quicker and easier installation compared to traditional methods such as screws, mortar, wire ties, and clips.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Minimal Expansion: Provides greater attachment strength while minimizing nail penetrations and reducing roof weight loads.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for low/flat, medium, high, and two-piece barrel profiles of roof tiles.
  • Easy Dispensing: Can be quickly and efficiently dispensed using easy-to-use dispensing equipment, eliminating the need for expensive tools and ratio monitoring.
  • Improved Efficiency: Multiple installers can work simultaneously, maximizing productivity.
  • Restartability: The cylinder can be easily shut off, stored, and restarted multiple times, ensuring full product use.
  • Moisture-Cured: Can be applied to wet substrates.
  • Hurricane-Zone Qualified: Meets the requirements for hurricane-prone areas.
  • Proven Performance: Designed to ensure tiles do not lift.

Installation and Application

Tile Bond™ Roof Tile Adhesive is ideal for all new, reroof, and specialty applications, including:

  • Hip and Ridge
  • Rake and Valley
  • Field and Eave Installations

Theoretical Yields

  • High-Profile Tile: 3–5 squares
  • Medium-Profile Tile: 5–7 squares
  • Low-Profile Tile: 7–9 squares
  • Highest Yield: Supports up to 350 field tiles per 23 lb. tank in both field and hip/ridge applications.

Compliance and Approvals

  • Texas Department of Insurance (DOI)
  • Miami-Dade County
  • Florida Building Code

Sustainable Solutions

Tile Bond™ has zero ozone-depletion potential. Both tank and aerosol have a volatile organic compound (VOC) content of 1.0 wt. % (13 g/L). The VOC content was determined according to the California Air Resources Board and the South Coast and Ventura Air Quality Management Districts Rule 1168 Adhesives and Sealants (amended Jan. 7, 2005) and the Ozone Transport Commission Model Rule for Adhesives and Sealants (effective Jan. 1, 2009).

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