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MCA Clay Tile Roof

About MCA Clay Tile Roofing

Maruhachi Ceramics of America, Inc. (MCA) is a Southern California roofing tile manufacturer with over a century of experience producing clay tiles. Their old-world aesthetic clay tiles have been used extensively on the military, custom, residential, commercial, educational, and institutional buildings.

Their tiles meet many US Green Building Counsel’s LEED program standards. The American Society for Testing and Materials rates clay tiles on their resistance to severe frost and water absorption. MCA’s tiles are designed to stand up against the harshest elements, including earthquakes, heavy rain, strong wind, fire, and freeze-thaw conditions.

Product Line

MCA’s clay tiles are LEED qualifying and ASTM C1167 Grade 1 rated. Made of 100% clay, the firing process MCA uses makes their tiles nearly impervious to fire. Their product lines have been installed in areas with wind up to 155mph which make them ideal for Florida’s notorious hurricane season. Where freeze/thaw conditions exist, MCA tiles have proven resistant to damage. The company notes that a 3:12 pitch is a minimum application for a roof for their tiles. However, they are able to make special orders of tiles for steeper pitched roofs, turrets, and unique designs. Their most common product lines are:
  • One Piece “S” MissionTM Tile
    • These tiles are widely used on residential, commercial, military, and institutional buildings.
    • Come in a large selection of colors and blends.
    • Have natural ventilation properties and provide up to a 70% heat reduction entering the house as compared to a roof with asphalt shingles.
    • 19” long x 14.5” wide
  • Classic “S” MissionTM Tile
    • Are available in natural red or an array of colors, blends and textures, including sand cast, to create a signature roof for your custom home or project.
    • 19” long x 12” wide
  • Corona Tapered MissionTM Tile
    • These are the most popular two-piece clay roof tile that MCA produces.
    • Commonly used for a Tuscan or Hacienda design style.
    • 60% of MCA’s clay content is pre-consumer recycled material.
    • 19” long x 8.71” wide
  • Classic Tapered MissionTM Tile
    • These have a high crown and narrow profile.
    • Come in rustic colors and textures.
    • Suitable for old-world style designs. These tiles have been used on many custom homes and commercial buildings, as well as restorations of historical buildings.
    • 19” long x 7-¼” wide
  • Roman Pan Tile
    • There tiles are a flat Roman Pan and paired with high-crown Classic Tapered Mission Tops.
    • Commonly used for Ancient Roman and Greek artistic design.
    • 19” long x 10” wide
  • 8-inch Straight Barrel Mission
    • Popularly seen on the West Coast for more than 100 years on many churches, civic centers, and universities.
    • 19” long x 8’ wide

LEED Ratings

LEED certifications for buildings are globally recognized as an effort towards sustainability and low environmental impact. Projects earn points by adhering to certain prerequisites and are verified by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). GBCI is supported by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to provide oversight of credentialing and project certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system.

A good choice for customers looking to earn LEED rating points, MCA Clay Roof Tile can contribute to earning these. This is how:

  • Rainwater Management
    • Reduces rainwater runoff.
    • At least 50% of the total lot area needs to be permeable for directing water to an onsite catchment or infiltration feature.
  • Low Impact Development
    • Clay roof tiles can assist with a rainwater management system when combined with other techniques.
    • Clay Roof Tiles are smooth and hard and do not shed contaminants.
  • Sourcing Raw Materials
    • Products are verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.
    • Products meet responsible extraction criteria such as Recycled Content for at least 25%, by the cost of the total value of permanently installed building products in the project.
  • Environmentally Preferable Products
    • 60% of MCA’s clay content is pre-consumer recycled material

Contact us for more information!

If you are looking for a particular style for your home or business, concrete tiles are an optimal choice as they can be used in various ways to achieve your desired look. We hope you find the style you are looking for in our available selection of Monier tiles. Contact us today for a quote and more information!